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Meditation Taster
What 15 minutes of Mindfulness Can Do Just For You
30 min30 min
25 British pounds
Location 1
Service Description
Meditation is simple to learn, something you have to practice daily so to develop a technique of awareness of your own physical being, your own breath. We use things such as focusing the breath and mind wandering or on a particular object, thought or activity, to achieve a clearer mental picture.
Start your journey here with us and start to experience the greatness of meditation. Experience the ultimate escape from daily stresses, learn the heart of unplugging, detox your mind in our beautiful relaxing spa cabin. Our meditations start from 3 Minutes to 45 minutes allow 1 hour session run time subject to requirements and availability. Book your next 4 sessions 30 mins for just £75 Saves £25.
Cancellation Policy
Sorry No refundable money, No on the day cancellations or transfers or 24 hours before. Full payment is required on booking. Transfers Accepted If Rebooked 48 hours before. No Refunds For Conditions Not Mentioned Before Your Visit. Allow 31 days or more for agreed refunds.