The Healing Cabin Five Elements Acupuncture Optimum Recovery Enhancement Consultant Musculoskeletal Specialists Complimentary Health Clinic Diagnostic Testing
Pain illness & Self-care Gift Shop
Recovery Enhancement & CBT Combination
1 hr 15 min1 h 15 min
150 British pounds
Location 1
Service Description
Kick start Your Recovery With Our Recovery Enhancement Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Combination Appointment.
We provide a whole body balance on a Physical, Internal and Emotional level by combing several natural therapies together like Cranial Balancing Realignment Deep Organ Release, Spinal Restriction Release And Cognitive Behavioural therapy with distance coaching and support. Treatment duration is 1 hour 15mins.
Cancellation Policy
Sorry No refundable money, No on the day cancellations or transfers or 24 hours before. Full payment is required on booking. Transfers Accepted If Rebooked 48 hours before. No Refunds For Conditions Not Mentioned Before Your Visit. Allow 31 days or more for agreed refunds.