We've been working with Children for many years. Firstly with Health Related Exercise For Children And Now More Recently As A Kinaesthetic Optimum Recovery Enhancement Consultant And Musculoskeletal Specialist.
I offer private appointments to support You And Your Child in A Private Setting In Cotgrave Village Rushcliffe area.
⭐️ People Often Don’t Realise Their Children Need Our Therapies too!
⭐️ Children Are Not Just Small Adults, They Need A Completely Different Approach To Therapy To Adults, So It’s Really Important Your Child Sees A Qualified And Experienced Practitioner.
⭐️ What To Look Out For?
✅Look At Your Child's Posture
✅ Are Their Feet Turned Inwards or Outwards?
✅Note Their Day To Day Behaviour / Mood Is It Balanced Low High Or Erratic?
✅Are They Happy At Home And School?
✅ Are They Thriving At The Rate Expected?
✅Are They Tired And Lethargic?
✅Getting regular Tummy Upsets And Colic?
✅Are They Needing Braces?
✅Are They Teeth Grinding?
✅Complaining Of Aches And Pains?
✅Been Given Orthotics For Their Shoes?
✅Are They Sleeping Well?
✅Are They Feeding Well?
If You Have Any Concerns With Your Child Regarding Issues Such As:
Delayed development, Head turn, Lip And Tongue Tie, Preference Feet turned in, Stiffness, Tension Or Out Back / Joint pain.
Then The Healing Cabin Cotgrave Can Help!
⭐️ We Work Wth Newborns Through To Teenagers, Adults And The Elderly.
⭐️Message To Book Your Recovery
Appointment With Full Body MOT Assessment And Treatment Today: 07392 378 826 *(Parent Is Present At All Times)#childrensKinaestheticOptimumRecoveryEnhancement #childrensmusculoskeletaltherapy #cotgrave #delayeddevelopment #retts #tonguetie #displasia #intoeinggait #limping #torticollis #talipes