Where there has been pain and suffering in your life, love and healing will release it. The parts inside you that lack self esteem, confidence and courage will be filled to overflow with your newly found skills, attributes and gifts. The love, acceptance and inspiration you will receive will not only give you the power to open your wings to transcend your past but also the tools to help others shape a life of peaceful, happy living. A beautiful personal journey of self-healing awaits you right here.
Carmen Elizabeth’s teaching skills attract Spiritual Healers, Mothers, Fathers, Youths and medical professionals from Dr’s, Nurses to Carers wishing to enhance their existing skills and training. Come and Learn lots of tools and ancient practices to support yourself, your family, friends and clients to ‘excel in life. Carmen Elizabeth’s students have set up successful practices all over the world.
Her calling to this work came during her time spent in church over 40 years ago. She was told, ‘There is nothing you can do on many occasions’. She still was drawn to help others and decided to embark on a journey to find new ways to support others with understanding, healing and empowerment for herself and others. This journey led her first to visit churches and healing temples all over the world, where she initially studied Reiki to Master level intensely over a period of three years.
The difference between Reiki and Seichem is that Reiki practitioners are attuned to Reiki, the Earth elemental ray.
Seichem practitioners are attuned to the four elemental rays: Earth (Reiki), water (Sophi-El), and spirit (Angeliclight) and fire (Sakara).
Carmen Elizabeth has worked endlessly over the last 20 years to merge her professional background as a corporate manager into her lineages of ancient healing. It’s her soul’s calling of being on this earth to lovingly support your highest destiny that will create breakthroughs far beyond your expectations.
The Healing Cabin Academy is a refined school of in-depth Beauty and Holistic Therapy and Training offering continuing support and guidance.
The initial transformative healing journey starts with Reiki Seichem One Degree, followed by the next day or month Reiki ll then 5-6 months later with Reiki Seichem lll Master. As your spiritual self unfolds and your confidence grows, Carmen Elizabeth offers a relaxed, stress free teaching environment further over twenty five unique Beauty and holistic courses; which will help you become a confident and highly skilled Beauty and holistic practitioner.
Transcend into blissful states of happiness and joyful living. Take these tender first steps towards your dreams and enjoy grace-filled transformations in every season of your life.