You're all now flocking through our doors to correct the atrocities that months at home may have caused to your mind body & spirit.
We know this virus is very real and even if you think you've already had it, it's still vitally important that we do our very best to minimise the risk of spreading any virus to others. From washing hands, social distancing measures, extra hygiene procedures, one person only at a time allowed in the cabin, text and wait for a text back on arrival and appointment only. We've always tried to be prepared for the new world as we've always had a major hot focus on hygiene, PPE and cleaning procedures but even more so now.
We’ve always had a process and plan in order to protect clients, our staff and ourselves.
1. We ensure our salon stays as clean as it can be by having a clear, structured cleaning plan and inspection after every client which includes rotas that set out hygiene requirements and responsibilities. It states what's required to happen before opening in the morning, which tasks are performed at regular intervals during the day, those that are performed after each client and those that are performed after closing for the day. We always prioritise areas that are touched a lot, such as gate handles, door handles, sides, tables and chairs.
2 .We don't have unnecessary items in the salon - rugs and other non-essential decoration, for example. The less there is to touch, the less there is to clean, the more time we spend with clients.
3. We don't run out of supplies!
We've spent a small fortune on ensuring we have a healthy supply of cleaning and hygiene products, plus all the PPE we require at all times. (Not stored in the cabin)
4. I've updated my health and safety on another course, undertaken three specific Hygiene / Covid 19 training courses to ensure I'm in control of the correct sterilisation, disinfection and all cleaning procedures.
5. We know it's vital for your peace of mind so we've followed all the government guidelines and installed a test and trace poster in the doorway where you'll also see our Rushcliffe Borough Council Registration / Environmental Health Pass and insurance certificate. There's monitored CCTV coverage over our whole area, with maintenance and security onsite. You know your safe here and I know you all would continue struggling on with your lack Reiki Seichem, Cranial Balancing, Massage, Aromatherapy, Facials, Brows, lashes and Beautiful nails indefinitely until you were certain your not being put in harm’s way. I respect myself and I respect you! My business continues to grow because you trust me to open again when I believe it's as safe as possible for all to do so.
6. I only use appropriate quality products surface to surface as it’s of upmost importance that the products are capable of eradication of the virus. We clean surfaces and dirty objects with soap and water before disinfecting them with Barbicide or other 99.9% Virus killing disinfectants and disposable wipes.
7. Your Responsibility: Please Ensure your GP or health professional has signed your referral letter if you already have a medical condition before your visit. Keep an eye out and watch out for symptoms, return your covid 19 Questionnaire before every visit!
Please abstain from visiting us or anyone else if you have visited others without a mask / shield, socially distancing or been abroad within the last 15 days or have any of the following:
The main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) as mentioned by the NHS are: High temperature this means you feel hot to touch on your face, chest or back. (We will take your temperature on arrival) A new, continuous cough which means coughing a lot for more than an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough it may be worse than usual) A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste as this means you've noticed you can't smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal. Sickness, diarrhoea, cold flu symptoms, shaking sweating, body weakness, burning in the chest, pain all over the body, headaches, sore throat, sinuses or any other feeling of unwellness. The NHS say most people with coronavirus have at least one of these symptoms but some have found to have none! Treat your fever and fatigue with prescribed medicines they advise at initial stage to halt the worsening of situation and weakness of immunity. Observe Social Distancing Maintain social distance of minimum 1 metre with a mask wherever possible, don't hug, shake hands and avoid crowded, congested places and wear masks and or face covering wash hands wherever possible around others. Sanitise Always keep a sanitiser handy whenever leaving the house and immediately shower, change and wash clothes after returning home. Wash hands and don't wear gloves from place to place as this can spread the virus. Clean the most contacted points frequently like sanitisers and their stations, doorknobs, handles, phones, locks and keys in your home, work, workshop and cars. Personal hygiene Personal hygiene is really important because it proves that a person takes responsibility of their actions towards themselves and those around them. We care about your wellbeing and would appreciate your efforts in maintaining good levels of personal hygiene in trying to shower, wash hands, face and hair before coming to The Healing Cabin. On entering the courtyard use sanitizer provided on the bar, wash your hands thoroughly on entering the cabin remove your shoes and place All personal belongings into the box provided.
Our Commitment
We ask all visitors, staff and customers about symptoms, every time they book and on entering the courtyard we ask again and take temperatures. Have they had a new cough? A temperature? Shortness of breath? Diarrhea Loss of smell, taste? If so, we send them away to isolate for a minimum of 14 days, and ask they arrange testing of any other in contact with them that day.
Hope to see you very soon
Carmen Elizabeth 🙏🏽💕